We believe you should know about problems before they occur. RootedCare, our best-in-class monitoring software, is a background application that checks your computer at a set frequency and notifies our ticketing system when potential issues appear. This active monitoring allows us to take proactive measures when problems arise and provides you peace of mind.
Proactive Monitoring:
Monitoring is about making sure your system is healthy. When it comes to IT Support, we like to get in front of issues. Time is money, and when your organization has a tech problem, it affects the bottom line. Our RootedCare agent runs 24/7 locally on a Mac or Windows computer. This allows us to know within a short period of time what potential issues are. While we believe and use Mobile Device Management Solutions, they often collect computer information once a week. With our RootedCare proactive monitoring, we focus on collecting key information to make sure you know issues before they get too big.
How does it work?
Every two hours our agent reports to the server. If you are in a support agreement that will email our ticketing system and we will reach out to remediate. That’s it! You don’t have to manually check it just does it automatically for you. On our end, we also check to see if a computer has been offline for a prolonged period of time. That is another indicator that something might be wrong. Basically, if we don’t hear from RootedCare you will get a check-in from us to make sure your computer is healthy.
What does it monitor?
Privacy is important. We only collect information needed for support and store it securely on servers only our team has access to. We can monitor server services, hardware backups, internal disk capacity, malware checking, Apple care expirations, and more. A perfect example is hard drive capacity. It’s easy to fill up a hard drive and not realize it. We can set thresholds so that when you reach 75% capacity, you or we get an email so that you can offload or remove data. Another common scenario is backups not working. Whether it’s Time Machine, Backblaze, Carbon Copy Cloner or Crashplan RootedCare can monitor it. If your backup isn’t working, we will know within two hours. We know it’s not about the backup but about being able to restore that data. Whether it is working or not Rooted Care will tell you.
Best Practices:
Imagine having an assistant working 24/7 365 days a year. Now imagine they are working on every single computer in your fleet. That sounds expensive! What if I told you, it was only $10 a month per device? Knowledge is power and we can help you know your computer is working as you expect it to. If you want to get started with a trial visit https://rooted.monitoringclient.com/self-enroll to begin your 30 day free trial.